SR102 Airport Rd
Jacksonville, FL
Interchange improvements at Interstate 95 and Airport Road.
Florida Department of Transportation
Original Contract:
The improvements under this contract consist of milling and resurfacing, base work, shoulder treatment, drainage improvements, curb and gutters, traffic signals, lighting, highway signing, guardrail, sidewalks/bicycle path, ITS, specialty retaining wall, utility work and other incidental construction on SR 9 (I-95) in Duval County at SR 102 (Airport Road) and along 102 from Duval Road to Max Leggett Parkway.
Improvements at the interchange extended from Airport Center Drive to west of Duval Road included:
Widening the ramps and roadway of the interchange
Roadway reconstruction at Duval Road and Airport Road
Roadway resurfacing
Drainage installation and improvements
Sidewalk construction and repairs
ADA upgrades
Overhead sign installations